Beamish Primary School

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At Beamish Primary, we are super proud to have playground buddies!

Our Year 5/6 children volunteer and are trained for the role of a playground buddy, which includes setting up and creating games during break times. They supervise games for all of our children across different ages and enjoy developing their skills as a leader.

Our buddies will regularly post some examples of the games that they have been running at playtimes so that you can try them at home!

School Council

Introducing our School Council!

At the beginning of each academic year a new school council is elected, one member from each year group are voted to become a School Council representative. The School Council meets regularly with Miss Simm. They always help us make big decisions about how we can improve things on our school. The School Council have all agreed that they will listen to everyone and take their views into account when making decisions which will impact on their school.

Our School Council Representatives are:

Year 1: Jett

Year 2: Francesca

Year 3: TJ

Year 4: Katie

Year 5: Ava-Jo

Year 6: Duane

Sport News

At Beamish Primary School we view sport as a vital part of our provision and we are pleased to announce we have once again achieved accreditation of the Sainsburys School Sport Kite Mark bronze award for 2018-19.

We try to make the most of all opportunities.

  • All pupils receive high level sport opportunities from a range of coaches and teachers in a diverse range of activities.
  • All pupils develop a love of sport which they enjoy and excel in.
  • Gifted and talented pupils are recognised and supported in being challenged.
  • Everyone is educated and enthused to develop a healthy lifestyle.
  • The school community develop a sporting attitude and appreciate winning, losing and simply participating.
  • Opportunity is given to access examples of inspirational sporting performers in a variety of areas.

Pupils have two hours of PE timetabled per week through which we develop core skills to enable children to become well rounded sportsmen and women as set out in the new curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to swim in KS2 and we aim for all pupils leaving school to be able to swim at least 25m.

All pupils take part in a range of tournaments and sports festivals both within school between year groups (intra-competitions) and with other schools (inter-competitions).

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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